Wisam Abed Kattea
Dr. Wissam Abdel Katea obtained a doctorate from the Mechanical Engineering Department at TU Darmstadt in Germany in 2017. He obtained a bachelor’s and master’s degree from the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Technology- Iraq. He published more than 30 research papers in international journals with high-impact factors.
His main research interests include power plants and renewable energies and everything related to the design of various power plants through dynamic simulation, diagnosing and analyzing faults, and finding the best design to obtain the best performance of these power plants.
- PhD, Mechanical Engineering, at TU Darmstadt in Germany , 2017.
- MSc, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Technology- Iraq.
- BSc, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Technology- Iraq.
- Wear Characteristics of (Al/B4C and Al/TiC) Nanocomposites Synthesized via Powder Metallurgy Method
- Parabolic Air Collectors with an Evacuated Tube Containing Copper Tube and Spiral Strip, and a New Cavity Receiver: Experimental Performance Analysis
- A novel dual feedwater circuit for a parabolic trough solar power plant
- Letter of Appreciation from the department head