Sattar Aljabair
Sattar Aljabair 1973, Baghdad-Iraq, married, male, B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering 1996, M.Sc. Fluid dynamics 1999, Ph.D. Thermofields 2003, University of Technology, Mechanical engineering department. Interests in general thermodynamics and heat transfer, computer programming and studies for engineering application and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Society Memberships and Reviewer for more than 25. Supervision on more than 10 M.Sc. and Ph.D. Degree Students. Publications were more than 20 Papers. Assistance prof since 2008.
- PhD, Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq, 2003.,
- MSc, Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq, 1999.
- BSc, Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq, 1996.
- Effect of Mass Flow Rate in a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger of Different Inner Tube Geometries during Solidification of Phase Change Material AMS Aljumaily, AA Mohammed, SJ Aljabair Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences, 136-156
- Comparative numerical study on the effect of fin orientation on the photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) system performance H Madhi, S Aljabair, AA Imran International Journal of Thermofluids 24, 100909
- “Energy storage technology: the growing role of phase change materials in the construction industry” A Review R Salman, S Aljabair International Journal of Thermofluids, 100712
- Many certificates of appreciation from the Minister of Higher Education and the President of the University of Technology.