Qusay Jihad Abdul Ghafoor
Asst, Prof Qusay Jihad Abdul Ghafoor achieved his Ph.D. (2001) in Mechanical Engineering from University of Baghdad- Iraq. He graduated from University of Technology – Iraq in 1983 and 1992 for his bachelor and master degrees. Currently, he is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq. He authored and co-authored nearly 30 papers published in high ranking prestigious international journals and conferences. Recently, he is specialist in thermal fields (solar energy, air conditioning, refrigeration, heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics
- PhD, Mechanical Engineering, University of Baghdad- Iraq, 2001
- MSc, Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq, 1992
- BSc, Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq, 1983
- Study of the effect of the heat pipe diameter with stainless steel wick on the thermal performance. AK Soud, QJA Ghafoor Design Engineering, 12227-12239
- Experimental Study of Air Ejector Performance to Cool Agricultural Products HS Jawad, QJ Abdul Ghafoor Engineering and Technology Journal 39 (9), 1437-1444
- A Novel design of the solar central receiver to improve the performance of the central solar power tower plant MS Mahmoud, AF Khudheyer, QJA Ghafoor IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 928 (2), 022003
- Many certificates of appreciation from the Minister of Higher Education and the President of the University of Technology.