Mahmoud A Mashkour
Dr. Mahmoud Attallah Mashkour received his BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering and MSc in power generation in 1990 and 1995, respectively. He received his Ph.D. in Heat Engines – Internal Combustion Engines from Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Russia in 2005. He has supervised over 15 Master and PhD theses, and published more than fifty research papers, books, patents, and articles in various fields. Among his publications are: a systematic book “Engineering and Numerical Analysis-2016”, “Heat Transfer for Engineering Students”, “Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics for Engineering Students”, United States Patent Application Pub. No.: US 2020/0318715 A1″Torsional Spring Tensioning System for a Power Transmission Chain”, Patent no.4580 – F28D21/0008 “Heating Buildings Using Porous Media”, 2016. His research interests include fuel and combustion processes, IC engines, alternative fuels, environmental pollution, heat transfer, thermodynamics, porous media, nanotechnology, ceramic coatings, and mathematical modeling and simulation. Owing to the recognition of his research works, he has been awarded various acknowledgments from the Minister of Higher Education of Iraq, the President of University of Technology and Dean of Mechanical Engineering Department. In 2012, he won the -University Shield- award for his scientific achievements. He is a member of Iraqi Engineers Association “Consultant”, Iraqi teachers union and Federation of Arab engineers. Dr. Mahmoud served in several positions and worked on many committees for several years: Member of the Vehicle Safety Committee – LF27 / Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control (COSQC), Director of laboratories, Registration Director, Coordinator of the Scientific Promotion Committee, Member in MSc and PhD examining committees, and Participation in various committees such as examinations, field training, scientific, syllabus organization. He is currently Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Dept., University of Technology; Baghdad, Iraq. P.O. Box (10066), Postcode: 10, Zip code: 10001. Baghdad – Iraq. +096-7901514059
- PhD, Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University - Russia, 2005
- MSc, Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq, 1995
- BSc, Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq, 1990
- Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems A Al-Ghrairi, Y Alaiwi, A Jundi, H Mulki, O Abushammala Journal homepage: http://iieta. org/journals/mmep 11 (8), 2005-2018
- Effects of Nozzle Diameter and Holes Number on the Performance and Emissions of a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine. OM Yousif, MA Mashkour International Journal of Thermodynamics 27 (1)
- Effects of Nozzle Diameter and Holes Number on the Performance and Emissions of a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine O Yousef, M Mashkour International Journal of Thermodynamics 27 (1), 1-12
- Many certificates of appreciation from the Minister of Higher Education and the President of the University of Technology.
- University Shield – 2012.