Laith Ayad Salman
Dr. Al-Sadawi erned his PhD degree from Brunel University London / United Kingdom in 2018.
His reasrch interst focuses on aerodynamics and aeroacoustics.
- PhD in Mechanical Engineering
- The Influence of a Divergent Slot on the Near-Wake Region of a Circular Cylinder LA Al-Sadawi, AF Mohammed, TM Biedermann, T Yusaf International Journal of Thermofluids, 100985
- Aerodynamic Characteristics Evaluation of S-Series Airfoils T Biedermann, AA Khudhair, LA Al-Sadawi, HM Jaffar Engineering and Technology Journal 42 (1 [Mechanical Engineering])
- Aerodynamic characteristics evaluation of s-series airfoils HM Jaffara, LA Al-Sadawia, AA Khudhaira, T Biedermannb Engineering and Technology Journal 42 (01), 65-77
- Many certificates of appreciation from the Minister of Higher Education and the President of the University of Technology.