Israa Alesbe
Asst. Professor
Israa alesbe 1978, Baghdad-Iraq, married, Female, B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering (2002), MSc – Mechanical Engineering / Aircraft Engineering, University of Technology, Baghdad-Iraq (2005), Ph. D. (CFD Specialty/ 2016) in Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Ship theory, Hamburg University of Technology TUHH, Germany. Interests in general, Programing, Thermodynamics, Heat transfer, and Numerical simulation and studies for engineering application and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Society Memberships and Reviewer for more than 10 publications. Lecturer since 2012
- PhD, Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Ship theory, Hamburg University of Technology TUHH, Germany, 2017.
- MSc, Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq, 2005.
- BSc, Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq, 2000.
- Numerical Simulation of Thermal Storage Tank with Middle Baffles Distributions. SS Karam, SH Ibrahim, I Alesbe, S Aljabair Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems 10 (5)
- Transient study of thermal stratification of full-scale chilled water storage tank during optimum discharge condition I Alesbe, HAA Wahhab, S Aljabair Journal of Energy Storage 65, 107236
- CFD modeling of influenza virus diffusion during coughing and breathing in a ventilated room S Aljabaır, I Alesbe, A Alkhalaf Journal of Thermal Engineering 9 (1), 127-137
- Many certificates of appreciation from the Minister of Higher Education and the President of the University of Technology.