Hayder Abed Dhahad
Professor Dhahad received his Ph.D. (2014) in Mechanical Engineering from University of Technology- Iraq. He graduated from University of Technology – Iraq in 1994 and 1998 for his bachelor and master degrees. Currently, he is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq. Also, he has a position of a vice president of scientific affairs and higher education studies – University of Technology- Iraq. He authored and co-authored nearly 50 papers published in high ranking prestigious international journals and conferences. Recently, he is a guest editor for energies journal for special issue “Hydrogen – New Alternative Fuel”. His research fields focus on renewable energy, biofuels, IC engines, combustion, solar Energy, fuel cells.
- PhD, Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq,2014.
- MSc, Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq, 1998.
- BSc, Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq, 1994.
- 1. "Proposal and thermo-economic optimization of using LNG cold exergy for compressor inlet cooling in an integrated biomass fueled triple combined power cycle " International Journal of Hydrogen Energy "2021-
- 2. "A novel hybrid biomass-solar driven triple combined power cycle integrated with hydrogen production: Multi-objective optimization based on power cost and CO2 emission " Energy Conversion and Management, 234,2021.
- 3. "Study effects of bio-inspired flow filed design on Polymer Electrolyte Membrane fuel cell performance" Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 24,2021
- 4. "Thermo-economic evaluation of a combined Kalina cycle and humidification-dehumidification (HDH) desalination system integrated with thermoelectric generator and solar pond" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 168,2021
- 5. "Heat recovery application of nanomaterial with existence of turbulator" Journal of Molecular Liquids, 326,2021
- 6. "Energy, exergy, and exergoeconomic evaluation of a novel CCP system based on a solid oxide fuel cell integrated with absorption and ejector refrigeration cycles" Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 21,2021
- 7. "Improving the performance of pyramid solar still using rotating four cylinders and three electric heaters" Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 148,2021
- Many certificates of appreciation from the Minister of Higher Education and the President of the University of Technology.