Ekhlas Mohammed Fayyadh
Dr. Ekhlas received her Ph.D. (1997) in Mechanical Engineering from University of Technology- Iraq. She graduated from University of Technology – Iraq in 1981,1987 , and 1997for her bachelor, master, doctor degrees. Currently, she is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq. She authored and co-authored nearly 40 papers published in international journals and conferences. Her research fields focus on wind turbine, IC engines, Fluid and heat transfer, Two phase flow and Flow boiling in microchannel.
- PhD, Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq, 1997.
- MSc, Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq, 1987.
- BSc, Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq, 1981.
- Effect of the Geometrical Parameter of Open Microchannel on Pool Boiling Enhancement AMH Al-Obaidy, EM Fayyadh, AM Al-Dabagh Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer 22 (5), 1421-1442
- Experimental Investigation of Pool Boiling Performance on Hybrid Surfaces. AMH Al-Obaidy, EM Fayyadh, AM Al-Dabagh FME Transactions 52 (4)
- Exploring the impact of parameters on flow boiling heat transfer in microchannels and coated microtubes: A comprehensive review HQ Hussein, EM Fayyadh, MR Hasan Open Engineering 14 (1), 20220528
- Many certificates of appreciation from the Minister of Higher Education and the President of the University of Technology.