Alaa Abdulhady Jaber
Alaa Abdulhady Jaber earned his Ph.D. from the School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Newcastle University, United Kingdom, in 2016. He obtained his MSc and BSc degrees in Applied Mechanics from the Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Technology, Iraq, in 2008 and 2006, respectively. He has published more than 60 journal and conference papers. His main research interests include condition monitoring, fault diagnosis, vibration analysis, artificial intelligence, robotics, and control.
- PhD in Mechanical Engineering – Applied Mechanics – Mechatronics
- DEAR-Taguchi analysis of buckling load and shear force in AA6061-T6 friction stir spot welds RM Hussein, BA Ahmed, AH Alwan, SF Hasan, AA Jaber, AM Takhakh, ... Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design 8 (1), 1-18
- Protocol for UAV fault diagnosis using signal processing and machine learning LA Al-Haddad, AA Jaber, NM Mahdi, SA Al-Haddad, MI Al-Karkhi, ... STAR protocols 5 (4), 103351
- Structural Optimization-Based Enhancement of the Dynamic Performance for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade AK Zarzoor, AA Jaber, AA Shandookh Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics
- Many certificates of appreciation from the Minister of Higher Education and the President of the University of Technology.