Ahmed Hussein Mola
Obtaining a master’s degree from the Russian Federation, Kazan National Research University, 2014
- M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
- Advancing Environmental Sustainability: Integrating Renewable Energy Technologies in Iraq's Development A Mohammed, MH Majeed, AH Mola, I Vladimir, E Sergey J. Electrical Systems 20 (10s), 3490-3498
- Numerical investigation of alpha Stirling engine performance based on ideal and actual adiabatic analysis SA Salih, BA Aljashaami, NT Alwan, MA Qasim, AH Mola, MH Majeed, ... Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2550 (1), 012035
- The Influence of Working Fluid on Stirling Engine Performance SA Salih, BA Aljashaami, MA Qasim, AH Mola, SE Shcheklein, ... 2023 5th International Youth Conference on Radio Electronics, Electrical and …
- Many certificates of appreciation from the Minister of Higher Education and the President of the University of Technology.