
A research team from The Environmental Research Center conducts tests on the soil of the university’s gardens

Under the guidance of the Director of the Environmental Research Center, Professor Dr. Zainab Bahaa Muhammad, and in cooperation with the Agricultural Department at the University of Technology, a research team with the membership of Eng. Chief Engineer Ahmed Natiq, Eng. Asmaa Nafi, and Eng. Ola Hamed participated in taking soil samples from the gardens of the University of Technology and from other sites. In order to conduct the necessary tests for the purpose of evaluating the soil and determining its suitability for agriculture, these sites were divided into 5

The first location – Control and Systems Engineering Department Garden: four points (four samples)

The second site – University Presidency Garden: four points (with four samples)

Third site – Chemical Engineering Department Gardens: Four points, a sample from each garden

Fourth location – Architectural Engineering Department garden behind the storey garage (one sample)

Fifth location – Petroleum Engineering Department Garden, opposite the Communications Engineering Department (one sample)