
Students Success Stories

Success stories from computer sciences students at University of Technology

The story of the teacher Abu Bakr Saeb
Unfortunately, the science department did not have elevators that transported students to the upper floors. I still remember the support of my friends, as some of my lectures were on the upper floor, which led them to carry me to reach the other floor. I still remember the support of my professors and the science department, as they supported me when I was late due to the time taken at The arrival of lectures in addition to moral support. I remember from these situations a situation I had with a doctor when I entered the examination hall to find the path leading to the chair on which I was sitting paved, in addition to placing the study chair in the way that suits me so that I would not be confused in the time it takes to complete this process before the exam.
Another situation with a doctor when I needed to borrow my pencil case from my colleague on the other floor, who did not hesitate to go up as quickly as possible to get my pencil case from the top floor so as not to waste exam time. Another situation with a doctor when I suffered from test phobia in one of the laboratory exams and she told me to leave the exam. Today, to be postponed to another day, I will be fully prepared for the exam. Another situation I had with Dr. Imad (may God have mercy on him) when he pushed my wheelchair to take me to the examination hall even though he was the head of my department at that period, many, many situations with many senior professors who never delayed a day in providing their psychological and physical support in order to facilitate the task of my studies in the department. Many facilities and support were provided by the department head staff at all stages of my studies.
I graduated with first place in my class, and then I was employed at the university to work in the Information Technology Center as a programmer for the university’s service systems. I completed many of them, and then I joined a master’s degree in the same department. Unfortunately for me, I was accepted during the pandemic period, so I was infected with (Covid-19)  which made me stop committing to academic lectures, which led the department to make the lectures of my academic branch electronic in order for me not to miss the academic lectures. Then, during the period of scientific research, I was diagnosed with another disease, which made the research period very difficult, but all of that did not prevent me from discussing Master’s thesis and accepted with distinction.

Published in: 2023-11-24


Peace be upon you. I am Daqood Haitham, a student in the Computer Science Department, fourth stage, Computer Security and Cybersecurity Branch. Interested in technology in general and programming in particular since childhood, I loved this field very much, but because of its breadth, I was moving from explanation to explanation and from course to course, thinking that I was learning. I ventured into many different fields without focusing on a specific field. Although this helped me learn the basics of many areas of technology, it caused me trouble when I tried to use what I had learned, and found that I had forgotten it. So I tried to overcome this problem.

Over time at university, I found myself helping many of my colleagues in the field of programming due to the complexity of its topics and the different languages used. I find that I tend to simplify complex topics and turn them into something easy to study and understand for myself and others. This helped me understand the topics more deeply so that I could simplify them, apply the things I learned, and explain their usefulness with real examples. Eventually, I moved from reading languages and courses to creating programs and projects with friends, even if the tools for the project were not my knowledge. This is what made me develop and innovate in the field.

I believe that learning is an ongoing process, not a destination. We should always be willing to learn new things and apply them. We must also be willing to share our knowledge with others.

Published in: 2023-11-19